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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Welcoming the Brand New Year 2009

We had simple gathering in welcoming the new year
MoM prepared 'mee sup'

BBQ is a must ;)

Tasting MoM's mee soup
'buli tahan jugalah. buli buka gerai di tamu Inobong :))'

Two of our early guests. They are grand-ma's neighbour
If I'm not mistaken, the little girl's name is Beverly

Big Bro and Darling also sampling the noodles soup
Just look at his face! It's definitely telling the mee soup is asadap (delicious) LoL

BBQ in progress
My DaD handled the BBQ

Otiting and Inai came with a gift - A Delicious Californian Red Wine
Oh and by the way, Eva's family also came with a gift - a bottle of Bellavita
To those who doesn't know, Eva's mom is my DaD's youngest sister

Xander suka kacau (disturb) my DaD ;)

In the end, MoM helped DaD with the prawns coz DaD was starving :))

What do you think Otiting is doing?

Xander had a good laugh with Big Bro

Jojo's family came with 'cabut-cabut'
You know what it is? It was gambling!

MoM gave Xander RM1 to play for the 'cabut-cabut'

Welcoming the New Year

Happy New Year everyone!!!

Xander was afraid of the sound of the fireworks ;)

Behind us is the twins' house. The twins' mom is my DaD's cousin
They were also busy partying

Then we did some poco-poco a.k.a. Line Dance
By the way, this is what Otiting doing in the earlier picture LoL

My tired but happy MoM with Xander

So, what's my resolutions and hopes for this year?
May God gives my family a good health and happiness always
I also wanna do well in my UPSR exam :)

H A P P Y N E W Y E A R!!!