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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Christmas Party 2009 at Ramayah

Later in the evening of Christmas Day, we went to Ramayah. And usual, we had makan, makan and makan. Opps! we also had carols and we danced through the night. Here are some pictures:

This is us singing 'Happy Birthday to Jesus'

Our Christmas Cakes! yummyyy....

These are the pictures of our Kris Kringle. It was weird kind of Kris Kringle. Confusion all the way! What I meant is, somebody else presented the gift which made it all kelam kabut. I hope it won't be repeated again this year [if they still want to proceed this Kris Kringle].

Mr Edwin Bolingin's Family
[from upper left]
Bapa Myron got Mama Leona as his Kris Kringle
Mama Myron got Leona
Marvin got Richard
[it looked like Ramayah sapu bersih Pogunon hahaha]
Emma, Easter, Milton and Myron didn't join us this year

Mr Henry Mukui's Family
[from above]
Leona got Mama Elter
Mama Leona got her husband @ Uncle Indi
Richard got Elter
Uncle Indi got Elvie
[opps, no picture of them coz a bit kelam kabut bah that time]

My own family
[from upper left]
I got bapa Myron
Big bro got DAD!!!
Big sista got MOM!!!
My dad got Mama Eva
and My MoM got Antonia

Mr Marianus Mukui's Family
[from upper left]
Bapa Elter got Eva
Mama Elter got Mama Myron
Antonia got Bapa Eva
Joel got Evan
and Elter got ME!!!
[nandayo! Elter bungkus hadiah saya pakai 3-4 wrapping papers]
Elter's family almost sapu bersih Liput..nasib baik Mogitua & Ramayah tersisip hehehe

Mr Vincent Mosuyun's Family
[from upper left]
Bapa Eva got bapa Elter
Mama Eva got Joel
Eva got my big Bro!!!
Evan got Marvin
and lastly Elvie got my big Sista!!!

Thank you guys for all the wonderful gifts. Please continue praying to each other. But a humble suggestion from me, if we still want to have this Kris Kringle this year [2010], please do it before everybody got drunk. So that, we will get the real meaning of Kris Kringle!

Don't you want to know what they got? Patient peeps :D

Monday, January 11, 2010

Christmas 2009

Our Christmas Day Mass began at 7.30am. I was not over with hangover yet. Tidak bah ;) What I meant is tidak cukup tidur. But hangover or not, kami tetap pi church. It was Jesus birthday, who would want to miss the occassion hehehe. Btw, the Mass was celebrated by Rev. Fr Jalius Sading. Fortunately he used two languages during his homily so ada faham sikitlah LoL.

Here are some pictures I wanna share with you all.

My happy and loving family with Baby Jesus behind us ;)

This is uncle Joe's (mom's bro) family

Otiting and Inai ( pula diorang ni..)

Soon after the Mass we proceeded to Royal China's Restaurant
to have some brunch

My bro and I enjoying our dim sum...yummyyy...!!

My cousin Odie (red shirt) with his cousin Leonard

My bro with Jojo

Osel and I

Otiting, Inai and big sista....

Uncle Joe and aunty Irene

Last but not least, my MoM and DaD
[mama suka betul tu yellow ribbon, Kundung yg buat dia bilang, lawa]

We took the opportunity to take picture outside the restaurant

Now I'm missing dim sum already!!!

What's next? guess peeps!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Christmas Eve 2009

I should have posted this one before the Kris Kringle :) But I was so excited with the Kris Kringle that's why I posted it first. Never mind, here are some pictures taken after the Christmas Eve Mass.

Oh and by the way, our Mass began at 5.00pm. As you can guess already, yes, our church [Sacred Heart Church Inobong] was packed that evening! The Mass was celebrated by Rev. Fr. Alex Sipanul.

My Family

Grand-ma with big sista, big bro and I
[the little boy was so tired of running here and there - terus flat bah]

[L-R : Odie, Osel, aunty Irene, Jojo & Uncle Joe]

Otiting and Inai

Big sista and Darling near the Crib

Inai with her mom

After the Mass we proceeded to a nearby restaurant to have our Christmas dinner! Done with that, we went back to grand parents house for the Kris Kringle!

See ya in the next post!

*Grand-dad also attended the Mass but he went home early that's why there was no picture of him.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

My First Post of 2010

It's been a long long time I didn't update my blog. Malas bah hahahaha. Lagipun sibuk partying here and there, that's why lah.

But I must post this one. Our 2009 Kris Kringle. But first, saya posting dulu sebelah family mama saya. Next will be my dad's side.

It was our 2nd year doing the Kris Kringle. We kinda enjoyed it. We prayed to one another and the best part is, we will receive a gift from the person who prayed for you.

from upper left - clockwise
my granddad prayed for my dad
my dad got me (I like.....)
big sista got Odie
again this year, I got my big sista (adehh..tiada orang lain lagi kah ni?)

from upper left - clockwise
Odie got his own sister
Osel got darling
Grand-ma prayed for my MoM
Darling got grand-dad

from upper left - clockwise
My MoM prayed for Mama Odie
Mama Odie got Xander this time (last year it was my MoM)
Otiting got my big bro
Xander got Otiting (don't know whether dia ada pray ni..)

from upper left - clockwise
My big bro got Bapa Odie
Bapa Odie got his own son (the present is special u know :D)
Inai got grand-ma
and lastlyJojo got Inai

Do you want to see what present we got? Well, wait until saya rajin upload ahh....hehehe

Bye for now. Oh and by the way...Happy New Year 2010!!