My grand-pa missed all the events at home. He didn't want to leave his kebun coz he scared someone might break-in his house as it usually happened. So MoM and her brothers arranged to visit him and bring some food. They called it as 'miungu' a.k.a. pot luck.

MoM settled for non-meat dishes. MoM said, she had enough of meat, pork and chicken during Christmas. She fried '
ikan basung' and
'ikan kokoiton'. DaD helped her with the cucumber
'rojak' and the sambal belacan. MoM also bought
'bambangan' at Donggongon's market. Jojo's family bought
'chu-chap''s a pork! Darling cooked sausage.

Look at our faces. Do we looked starving? Yes, definitely. It was noon time. My empty stomach growling already ;)

Even Jojo also looked hungry! hahahaha
Kenapa Jo? 3 hari tak makan ke?)

Inai and Bapa Odie looked green!!

Before we started makan, they took picture with grand-pa first
(Grand-ma wasn't there. She attended a wedding)

DaD blessed the food!
Makan time! Now I realized, Odie was not around too..

Grand-pa said, "
kamu makanlah dulu, saya baru makan"
but in the end, he couldn't resist the
ikan basung and
bambangan, he went to eat juga :))

From kebun, we went to Elter's house to take grand-ma's chairs and sent to her house
we enjoyed the ride and Xander a bit jealous because we can sit at the back :))
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