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Monday, April 20, 2009

Good Friday

Good Friday is the day when we kiss Jesus
It is also the day we observe as not to take any kind of meat

This little one just copy what people are doing
I don't think he understands yet
but as a start - he already know Jesus

My cousin Elvie

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Happy Easter!

I hope it's not too late to wish everyone
a very
Blessed Easter 2009!

We went for breakfast at Beverly Hills on Easter Sunday
and we got Easter Eggs
distributed by Harvest Church (never heard of this church)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Rubik Cube

This is me doing the Rubik Cube
I was a bit nervous especially when MoM took video ;)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

My New Hobby

It's been a while I didn't update my blog

Well, time doesn't permit me
After school, I have to attend another session of extra class
as you all know, I'm taking the UPSR exam this year
hence the extra classes

OK now...back to the title above
I have picked up a new hobby
a Rubik Cube
This hobby will release me from stress of studying LoL

I'm not an expert yet
but I'm learning ;)

This is the new Rubik Cube my mom bought for me
it's a 3D version
it only cost her RM73.00
thanks MoM, you're the best!

Here I am - trying to solve it ;p

There you go - it's done!
I'm still improving my time

My MoM video-taped it too
I'll post it here as soon as I transferred it to You Tube

Stay tuned!