It's been a long long time I didn't update my blog. Malas bah hahahaha. Lagipun sibuk partying here and there, that's why lah.
But I must post this one. Our 2009 Kris Kringle. But first, saya posting dulu sebelah family mama saya. Next will be my dad's side.
It was our 2nd year doing the Kris Kringle. We kinda enjoyed it. We prayed to one another and the best part is, we will receive a gift from the person who prayed for you.
But I must post this one. Our 2009 Kris Kringle. But first, saya posting dulu sebelah family mama saya. Next will be my dad's side.
It was our 2nd year doing the Kris Kringle. We kinda enjoyed it. We prayed to one another and the best part is, we will receive a gift from the person who prayed for you.

my granddad prayed for my dad
my dad got me (I like.....)
big sista got Odie
again this year, I got my big sista (adehh..tiada orang lain lagi kah ni?)

Odie got his own sister
Osel got darling
Grand-ma prayed for my MoM
Darling got grand-dad

My MoM prayed for Mama Odie
Mama Odie got Xander this time (last year it was my MoM)
Otiting got my big bro
Xander got Otiting (don't know whether dia ada pray ni..)

My big bro got Bapa Odie
Bapa Odie got his own son (the present is special u know :D)
Inai got grand-ma
and lastlyJojo got Inai
Do you want to see what present we got? Well, wait until saya rajin upload ahh....hehehe
Bye for now. Oh and by the way...Happy New Year 2010!!
Bye for now. Oh and by the way...Happy New Year 2010!!
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