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Monday, January 11, 2010

Christmas 2009

Our Christmas Day Mass began at 7.30am. I was not over with hangover yet. Tidak bah ;) What I meant is tidak cukup tidur. But hangover or not, kami tetap pi church. It was Jesus birthday, who would want to miss the occassion hehehe. Btw, the Mass was celebrated by Rev. Fr Jalius Sading. Fortunately he used two languages during his homily so ada faham sikitlah LoL.

Here are some pictures I wanna share with you all.

My happy and loving family with Baby Jesus behind us ;)

This is uncle Joe's (mom's bro) family

Otiting and Inai ( pula diorang ni..)

Soon after the Mass we proceeded to Royal China's Restaurant
to have some brunch

My bro and I enjoying our dim sum...yummyyy...!!

My cousin Odie (red shirt) with his cousin Leonard

My bro with Jojo

Osel and I

Otiting, Inai and big sista....

Uncle Joe and aunty Irene

Last but not least, my MoM and DaD
[mama suka betul tu yellow ribbon, Kundung yg buat dia bilang, lawa]

We took the opportunity to take picture outside the restaurant

Now I'm missing dim sum already!!!

What's next? guess peeps!