WoW dotA Allstars

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Thursday, February 5, 2009

Euro Fun Fair

Before school re-opens, MoM and DaD brought us to Euro Fun Fair. Our last fun before resume school hahaha

Lined up for Ferris Wheel
very expensive - RM6.00 per head!!

too bad, it was only take a while
not worth with the expensive ticket!

Sis & Bro tried this one (forgot what was it)
they had fun though :)

MoM was busy taking my pictures ;)

"Where are you MoM?" LoL

Behind me was 'fishing for ducks'
We spent a lot but no luck there!

DaD tried his luck with 'fishing the bottle'
no luck either :)

Since we are welcoming the Ox year
here we are, sis and I
wearing horns!!

Thanks MoM & DaD
we had fun....