I have a new badminton racquet but I don't have a proper shoes to play badminton. My DaD said I have to buy a new one. Yes!!
One weekend, off we went to a shopping complex and hunt for my sports shoes. Well, it wasn't easy. It was quite tiring actually. I found something I like but they don't have sizes for me. They have the size but I don't like the shoes.
My MoM came to the rescue. She found a nice pair. But when I tried it on, it doesn't fit. My MoM asked the salesgirl whether there is a bigger size available. The lazy-looking-salesgirl replied, they don't have. Being my MoM, she isn't satisfied with the answer. She approached the owner of the shop and asked for a bigger size. The owner searched the code in his PC and there is one bigger size, the last pair! Morale of the story, don't trust any salesgirls!
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